
It has been a long time since I posted. I think I've grown to a point where this blog as an outlet has served its purpose. Most of my thoughts and feelings about how I feel are now on the blog, and as such there's not much left to write. I'm not open about being gay and I don't really think too much about it on a daily basis. I guess it's because of that that I don't really have much to blog about anymore.

Lately I haven't really put much of my thoughts down because I'd subconsciously decided that I didn't really want to think about my situation. But has that been helpful? I couldn't tell you. I guess in some ways it has allowed me to go through the days without over-analyzing how I feel or the consequences it has. I usually take each day as it comes and hold back the feelings I know I shouldn't be having while trying to express them in a better way.

I've been over him for a while now, but I've found myself attracted to different people lately. Not a strong 'painful-love' attraction by any means (yet), but a worrying trend nonetheless. I've even found myself being attracted to friends younger than me, which is also something I wish wasn't happening.

It scares me because I care about my friends a lot, but I have to wonder-- where does the platonic end and the sexual begin?

2 comments :: Returning

  1. Hi I am new here. I just found your blog today linked from another blog. Anyways I was just reading through alot of your old blog posts and wanted to say they really helped me alot. I too struggle with same sex attractions and sometimes I just feel so alone in this struggle. Anyways I hope you keep blogging as I for one find it inspirational to see how honest you are and its helped me.

  2. Thanx for the comment, AJ. It's always nice to hear my writing helped someone. There are so many questions and things to work through. I guess it's important to know that we're not alone in this.