But I digress.
I've been quite involved and at times sexually intimate with many people since that first day in first grade. I've done everything except actual intercourse, so I'm still (technically) a virgin. That kind of gives me pause though-- thus I use the term virgin loosely. In each situation, what drove me was sex. Lust. The desire to satisfy my urges. Urges that I didn't understand until long after I'd started down this path, leaving a trail of brokenness behind me and within me. And why should this be? I've prayed so often for God to heal these people I've affected and hurt in ways I cannot imagine. I prayed for Him to save these people from me. To save me from myself.
When you're in the moment, your libido kicks in. Your mind gets cloudy, and all you can see and feel is the animal instinct. Everything becomes raw and carnal and unrelenting almost undeniable. Giving in to sex is like standing at the entrance of a long dark tunnel. Once you enter you just keep running, and as you go deeper it gets darker, and all you want is to burst out the other side. To reach the endpoint.
And when you do come out the other side, you realize that all that's there is darkness. And guilt. And pain. And shame.
And you'd think with all you go through, it'd be easier (and prudent) to avoid the next tunnel. But when you come to it, it almost calls to you. You're curious, you're intrigued, you're weak. Then the sexual dark inside you takes hold and drags you toward the entrance. You resist, but try as you might, sometimes it's too strong.
And maybe, just maybe, a part of you isn't fighting as hard as you should. The part that wants it. The part that wants to embrace the darkness of the tunnel again. The part that locks the door at night so no one will see. The part that whispers in your ear and tells you it's fine and speaks sweet little excuses and justifications to you. And when you turn to look at the small dark voice, the demon on your shoulder, the devil's advocate, all you see...
...is yourself.

Again, very fascinating thinking here!
Have you ever asked the question what would happen if you were a heterosexual person? Would these thinking and experiences ever come across you? Do you think heterosexual people also struggle with sex addiction as much as homosexual people do?
I can relate very personally to this post. I was struck by the thought that if I am addicted to gay-sex, marrying a women would not make things right because I will feed my lust with more sex anyway.
Thanks for sharing!
7:40 PMGood question. I think the answer would be yes, everything I say in this post would still apply even if I was straight.
My lust and desire is not a product of my homosexuality, but is directed by it, i.e. Being gay doesn't make me lust, it just determines who I lust after.
If I were straight, the desire and lust would still be there. There would still be dark tunnels. The only difference is where they lead.
11:57 PMAsh,
May I share something: Your analogy of the dark tunnels for lust is very interesting. Your post applies this analogy very well to say we should avoid lust in full, i.e. we just don't walk into the tunnels of lust.
But since you think there are different tunnels leading to different destinations, can't we so conclude that the destination to 'homosexuality' is unchangable? Is there any chance these tunnels not only interlink, but also lead to the same ultimate destination which is eternal death?
Just a few questions for an interesting and inspiring thought!
1:58 AMMy dear brother in Christ!
If I had one wish in the whole realm of sexuality, it would be this: to absolve my brothers and sisters of guilt. Guilt is the worst, and perhaps most universal, feeling in all the human universe.
You speak, and I am sorry, but as though sex itself were a wicked desire! I don't know quite where you stand on the issue of homosexuality, but regardless of that, God created sex. He made it to be enjoyed! I have recently come across so many people in my life who are struggling with sexual issues (both straight and gay) and it never fails that they feel guilty, somehow, for merely having the desire. Please, Ash, this should not be. Like all the rest of creation, sex was created to be enjoyed within the context of love and selflessness; do not beat yourself up for having a desire that is in accordance with the rest of the physical and biological world. Jesus did not come to condemn biology nor to overcome it, but to redeem everything under himself, spiritual and physical.
Thinking of you and your struggles. You are not alone.
In Christ,
4:40 AMIm really diggin the look of your page. You're very creative and good with the different pics and colors. Do you enjoy doin that sorta stuff?
I tired to sign up for your RSS feed so i can get updates when you post through my google reader but for some reason they dont work on your blog
6:44 AM[david] Thanx. I completely agree.
[pomoprophet] Yeah, sorry about that. I do enjoy template modification, but I'm afraid I'm not too good with the technical side and RSS.
2:49 PMThanks for posting this. Actually the figure of the tunnels is very good to describe the addiction cycles and the addictive life.
A co-struggler!
9:09 PMWow! May I just, apart from the obvious fact that you write so well, your blog LOOKS amazing! Did you create your own template for this blog? If not, where did you find it?
11:15 AM[mi lucha interior] Thanks for the comment! I appreciate it.
[anonymous] Thanks for the compliment hehe. The base template and pictures aren't mine; I got the template from http://www.blogskins.com and the original pics from various spots on the web. I made all HTML and picture modifications though, so the template looks different from the original, and all images on the site (such as the link images) have been modified to my needs hehe.
5:58 PM